Roughan & O’Donovan's research and development team was commissioned by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to develop software tools to assess the effects of abnormal vehicles on bridge structures.
In Ireland, vehicles that do not comply with the weight or dimension limits specified in the regulations must apply for a permit before they are legally allowed to travel on the roads.
Our team designed a user-friendly software tool to enable engineering staff in local authorities and law enforcement agencies to administer and manage the issuing of permits for abnormal vehicles on Ireland's major inter-urban network.
Whilst consideration must be given to the bridges located along the journey path of all abnormal vehicles, specialist knowledge of bridge analysis algorithms and optimisation procedures is not a requirement for using the tool.
The project involved extensive data and statistical analysis, including:
- Complex statistical analysis of UK weigh-in-motion records
- Detailed analysis of the Eirspan database of bridges in Ireland
- Comprehensive statistical analysis of Irish abnormal vehicle permit records
Services provided:
- Weigh-in-motion
- Traffic load modelling