John Bell Profile Image

John Bell

Dundalk Town Council


Roughan & O’Donovan undertook the design of targeted infrastructure and supportive measures to encourage more walking and cycling to primary and secondary schools in Dundalk’s town centre.


This pilot project was intended to develop best practice for sustainable travel to schools in Dundalk town.

The targets set for increasing numbers walking and cycling were monitored to determine the actual change achieved through the project.

Working closely with Dundalk Town Council, An Taisce and 9 participating schools, we identified the optimum infrastructure and supportive measures required.

In addition to the installation of footpaths, cycle lanes and improvements at existing junctions, we implemented the following measures:

  • Traffic calming - pinch points and ramps
  • Footpath widening at junctions to shorten crossings
  • Gateway treatment at side streets to enhance pedestrian priority
  • Signals and zebra crossings


  • Very busy streets with fast traffic
  • Wide junctions that were exposed to cross
  • Major gaps in the cycle route network
  • Confusion on streets due to school parking and drop off activity


During the first year of project implementation, walking increased by 3%, cycling increased by 5% and car travel reduced by 5%.

Services provided:

  • Feasibility study
  • Preliminary design
  • Part VIII planning
  • Detailed design
  • Tender action
  • Construction management

Read about our latest cycling and pedestrian facilities projects