Westmeath County Council named the bridge after the legendary performer and Mullingar native, Joe Dolan.
One of the longest bridges in Ireland and the final link of the Mullingar Western Relief Road
Roughan & O’Donovan provided full concept engineering design and contract management services for this 540m long bridge that crosses the floodplain of the River Brosna and Lacy’s Canal in Mullingar.
We designed a 540m long and 14m wide reinforced concrete bridge comprising 19 spans, made up of 171 reinforced concrete beams and a two-lane carriageway, complete with high quality footpaths and cycle ways.
We used 10,000 metres of 273 mm diameter piles in our foundation design, which provided sufficient flexibility to accommodate movement, without yielding or buckling.
Designing a 540m long bridge fully integral over the intermediate supports represented a major challenge.
Difficult ground conditions, consisting of 10m of peat above more than 20m of very soft silt, added further complexity.