Roughan & O'Donovan prepared variation No. 4 to the Limerick county development plan 2010-2016 to safeguard the preferred route corridor of the Limerick northern distributor road (LNDR).
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
We prepared an SEA under the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004–2011. It examined the possible impacts of the LNDR on the environment of North Limerick, including:
- Urban settlements
- Flora and fauna
- Landscape
- Human health
- Population
Appropriate Assessment Natura Impact Report
We prepared an NIR under the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC).
The NIR examined the likely significant effects that the proposed variation would have on European sites, including candidate Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas.
Flood Risk Assessment (FRA)
Our FRA for the proposed variation demonstrated that the flood risk associated with the proposed LNDR could be adequately managed, and the use or development of the lands to construct it would not cause unacceptable adverse impacts.
The LDNR crosses a site with numerous environmental and hydrological constraints, including the Lower River Shannon SAC, multiple watercourse crossings and an extensive floodplain.
Carrying out the SEA and AA processes, in parallel with the preparation of the variation, ensured that potential environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the variation were given adequate consideration.
Services provided:
- Planning and environmental assessment
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
- Flood Risk Assessment (FRA)