Daire O'Riagain

Daire Ó Riagáin

Mayo County Council
Co. Mayo


The N60 Breaffy Active Travel and Safety Measures Scheme is one of six sections of a 24km long linear cycleway/walkway route from Castlebar to Claremorris.

The proposed scheme will stretch approximately 4.8km westbound from the N60/L5760 (Breaffy Post Office) junction, run along the N60 and past the new N5 compact grade separated junction (CGSJ), split at the N60/R373 Kilkenny Cross roundabout and terminate approximately 800m from the roundabout on both the N60 and R373.

Mayo County Council commissioned ROD to bring the proposed scheme through phases 3, 4 and 5 of the Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) Project Management Guidelines. This follows our previous work with the council on a feasibility study that proposed the introduction of safety improvement measures in Breaffy village (2012-2014) and, more recently, on the Proposed Safety Improvement Measures on the N60 at Breaffy in 2020.


  • Improve road safety for all users, vulnerable road users in particular
  • Provide an attractive facility, well integrated with the surrounding environment, for recreational and tourism use
  • Connect key nodes in the area, such as the village centre, community facilities, businesses, housing developments, schools and hotels


  • Apply the National Speed Limit Review recommendations (80km/h in Breaffy village)
  • Introduce new pedestrian crossing and two bus bays in Breaffy village
  • Eliminate hard shoulder parking in Breaffy village
  • Provide segregated footpaths and one-way cycle facilities on both sides of the N60 and R373 in the semi-urban sections between Castlebar and the new N5/N60 CGSJ
  • Provide a shared pedestrian/cycle facility on one side of N60 in the more rural areas

Services provided:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment Screening
  • Appropriate Assessment Screening
  • Preliminary design
  • Departures from standard applications
  • Road Safety Audit
  • Detailed design
  • Part 8
  • Preparation of contract documents
  • Contract procurement

Learn more about our work on cycling and pedestrian schemes