Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa, Drogheda, Co. Louth.
A 24-classroom generic repeat design school in Drogheda
Roughan & O’Donovan provided civil and structural design services for this new 24-classroom primary school in Ballymakenny, Drogheda.
The project represented the first of a two phase campus development involving the provision of a new 24-classroom primary school and a 1,000-student post-primary school on the same site.
In designing the access roads, car parking and services for the primary school, we considered the design of upgrade works to the Ballymakenny Road, for which we were responsible.
We also considered the future needs of the entire school campus.
Our designers had the difficult task of anticipating future changes to the building regulations while maintaining cost effectiveness on the project.
Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa was the first school to be delivered by a local authority, on behalf of the DES, under new arrangements aimed at building schools more efficiently and cost-effectively.