Typical urban swale detail.
Acting as consultant engineers to Fingal County Council, ROD prepared surface water management plans to supplement the local area plans, land management plans and masterplans of the nine locations across north County Dublin outlined below:
1. Kinsaley Village
2. Barrysparks, Swords
3. Crowscastle, Swords
4. Estuary West, Swords
5. Fosterstown, Swords
6. Churchfields, Mulhuddart
7. Powerstown, Mulhuddart
8. Coolquay Village
9. Rowlestown Village
The aim of the commission was to prepare sustainable drainage strategies and undertake Stage I, II and III flood risk assessments (FRAs) to inform local land use and planning policy at each location.
Each sustainable drainage strategy examined the existing drainage regime and outlined site-specific measures that could protect and enhance the quantity, quality and ecological/biodiversity value of downstream water bodies. This will help Ireland to achieve its obligations under the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD).
The site-specific drainage measures were tailored to suit the anticipated development at each specific area, whether residential, industrial, warehousing, commercial, retail, recreational, enterprise, healthcare, educational or community facilities.
Opportunities for sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) retrofit were identified and assessed. WFD catchment pressure studies were also undertaken for Kinsaley, Rowlestown and Coolquay.
The FRAs examined the sources of flooding relevant to each location, and flood maps were produced for several pluvial (i.e. rainfall) and fluvial (i.e. river flooding) scenarios. The maps will inform future planning in the areas, such as the siting of development and the promotion of riparian corridors to protect and enhance watercourses and their natural ecological, biogeochemical and hydromorphological regimes.