Valhalla, Watery Lane, Clondalkin, Dublin 22, Ireland.
An award-winning independent living scheme set in the centre of an historic Dublin village
Roughan & O’Donovan provided civil and structural engineering design services for an 11-unit sheltered housing scheme on a brownfield infill development site in Clondalkin Village.
Winner of the Overall Award at the Irish Council for Social Housing Community Housing Awards 2015.
The development achieved a low U-value, a BER 'A' rating and incorporated low embodied carbon and sustainable drainage features, including a green roof.
We reduced the embodied CO2 by using environmentally beneficial concrete containing 50% GGBS and provided a building envelope with low embedded carbon using single leaf clay blocks.
External insulation with a rendered finish was applied to the entire building.
Site works included:
The development was designed to achieve best practice in sustainability and building energy consumption.