Watergate Bridge is a shallow but striking arch structure that respects the architectural heritage of Trim, Co. Meath.
A landmark, steel bow, string arch, river bridge that sits elegantly within its historic surrounds
Roughan & O’Donovan developed this scheme from concept, replacing the bridge and improving the urban street network on the approach routes.
The existing 100-year-old bridge over the River Boyne had fallen into disrepair and provided a flooding constraint at the structure location.
After completing detailed options analysis and evaluation, we undertook the design of a low rise, parabolic arch, road bridge, with cantilevered pedestrian walkways.
The bridge spans 35m and comprises pentagonal arch chords tapering in both directions with pairs of Macalloy hanger bars connected to the main longitudinal members.
Structural steel transverse members and end diaphragms support a 225mm reinforced concrete deck, which acts compositely with superstructure steelwork.
The clear span arch solution minimised the structural depth and eliminated the significant in-river piers that had exacerbated the regular upstream flooding problems.
Despite working within a constrained urban site, in deeply historic environs, we succeeded in realising the aesthetic low arch and improving the road network to modern design standard.