What we do

Roughan & O'Donovan has designed over 70 rail bridges since 2002.  

Our over and under railway bridge design solutions integrate our expertise in construction methodology, inspection, assessment and rehabilitation.

Advisory services

We advise railway owners on the implementation of design standards, such as the Eurocodes, helping them achieve compliance with Irish and European legal requirements for the Authorisation for Placing in Service (APIS) railway infrastructure.


Our rail team is experienced in managing the interface between road and rail infrastructure and conducting emergency structural investigations. We also support third-party clients in their engagement with railway operators and regulators.

  • The Reilly's Bridge scheme improved commuter and intercity services on the Dublin-Sligo rail line and relieved traffic congestion on Ratoath Road.

    Mark Kilcullen

    Mark Kilcullen

  • We are provided consultancy services to Irish Rail for the development of remote monitoring systems for its infrastructure assets.

    Joe Kelly

    Joe Kelly

  • Our EU-funded DESTination RAIL project sought to develop new techniques for identifying, analysing and remediating critical rail infrastructure.

    Tony Dempsey

    Tony Dempsey


Research and development

Our research and development team provides expertise in:

  • risk-based asset management
  • structural health monitoring
  • traffic load modelling
  • weigh-in-motion
  • data analysis

Interested in learning more about our work?