Barry Corrigan
As our environmental team lead, Barry has successfully delivered many of the biggest road projects in Ireland through the planning process. He specialises in Environmental Impact Assessments for infrastructure projects and has extensive experience of Appropriate Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment.
During a career at ROD that spans more than 20 years, he has delivered a broad range of projects - from major interurban motorway network, urban roads, flood defence projects and mixed-use developments through to research studies, plan development and sustainable projects, such as greenways and railway schemes.
In addition to delivering projects in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, Barry was involved in the delivery of a Development Consent Order (DCO) for Herring Bridge in Great Yarmouth, UK.
Barry is expert in delivering projects in environmentally sensitive locations, particularly those requiring EIAs and AAs. He has an excellent track record in stakeholder engagement and takes a lead role in the management of public consultations and oral hearings.