What we do

Roughan & O'Donovan has led the development of several of Ireland’s strategic walking and cycle network plans, including the Galway to Dublin Cycleway and the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan.

We advise national and local authorities on the latest international research and have contributed to the development of technical design standards and manuals, including:

  • Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS)
  • National Cycle Manual for the National Transport Authority (NTA)
  • Traffic Signs Manual (2010)
  • NRA IAN 03/12 'Provisions for Cyclists and Pedestrians on Type 2 and Type 3 single carriageway National Roads in rural areas', now DMRB Standard 'Rural Cycleway Design (Offline) DN-GEO-03047' for Transport Infrastructure Ireland
  • The Royal Canal Greenway is a great example of the type of high-quality infrastructure we need to develop to facilitate more people choosing active travel as part of their everyday life.

    Eamon Ryan TD

    Minister for Climate Action and Transport (2020-2025)
  • We are extremely satisfied with the design of the Clontarf-to-City-Centre Cycle Route. We believe it matches up to cycling design standards seen in pioneering countries, such as Denmark and the Netherlands.

    Dublin Cycling Campaign

  • The Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan is the most comprehensive study of cycling needs ever carried out in Ireland.

    Gerry Murphy

    Chief Executive of the National Transport Authority (2009-2017)
  • I don't think I’ve ever been so excited about the future of my city as I am after reading Roughan O’Donovan’s proposal for a Dodder Greenway.

    Dodder Action Group


  • Urban cycle routes with cycle tracks and cycle lanes
  • Greenways for shared use by pedestrians and cyclists
  • Footbridges and boardwalks
  • Junction facilities
  • Shared spaces on streets and in public plazas

Interested in learning more about our work?