What we do

Healthcare facilities are among the most complex buildings to construct, maintain, and operate. Once built, they remain in service for decades and can be challenging to modify. They are also the site of some of our best and worst life experiences; birth and death, healing and loss. With stakes this high, working with an engineering consultancy that understands how building design can best support healthcare services is important.

Roughan & O’Donovan has more than 40 years’ experience in the delivery of reliable, adaptable hospital buildings and healthcare facilities that create the best healing environment for patients.

From renovating protected hospital buildings to developing state-of-the-art community nursing units, we have the depth and breadth of skills required to deliver flexible and innovative building solutions that grow and adapt with their users while also enabling healthcare professionals to become more effective in their ultimate goal – to heal.



Our team

Our multidisciplinary team understands the need for modern healthcare facilities to be safe, resilient, environmentally sustainable and flexible for current and future use.

We recognise the importance of designing modern healthcare facilities that create a pleasant and welcoming environment for all users.

  • It’s not every project where the design team, contractor and client pull together so effectively and to the extent they have on [the Heather House] project.

    Garbhan O'Brien

    Project Manager, HSE South
  • ROD's diligence and cooperation have assisted in delivering additional capacity for HSE services across Donegal, Sligo and Leitrim, in a very short timeframe and under challenging circumstances.

    Shane Campbell

    Former Estate Manager, HSE North West

Our portfolio

  • Large acute hospitals
  • Primary care centres
  • Community nursing units
  • Specialist facilities including children’s hospitals  
  • Healthcare-related research facilities 
  • Senior living housing
  • Medical administrative buildings

Interested in learning more about our work? Get in touch